Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Earth Science Unit 3 Study Guide

Unit 3 Study Guide
1.       What are the characteristics of a mineral?
2.       What are the ways to identify a mineral?
3.       How does the Moh’s Hardness Scale work? (What is hardest # and mineral, softest?)
4.       How does the scratch test work? (Which scratches which, harder or softer?)
5.       How can a streak plate identify a mineral?  (What material is left?)
6.       Can a streak plate be used to identify all minerals? (If not which can’t be identified)
7.       What’s the least reliable method of mineral identification?  Why?
8.       How is a mineral classified as a gemstone?
9.       What’s the difference between cleavage and fracture?

10.   Define a rock.
11.   What types of rock exist?
12.   How is each rock type formed?
13.   How does the formation of a rock affect its makeup?
14.   Does it matter where a rock is formed?  (Can that change its makeup? How?)
15.   What is the rock cycle?
16.   How does an igneous rock transform into a metamorphic rock? Sedimentary rock?
17.   How does a sedimentary rock transform into a metamorphic rock? Igneous?
18.   How does a metamorphic rock transform into a sedimentary rock? Igneous?
19.   How is a rock different from a mineral?
20.   What are little pieces of rock that have been weathered called?
21.   What are the two types of igneous rock? Where are they formed?
22.   What type of rock is granite? Slate? Conglomerate? Sandstone? Basalt?

23.   What are the two categories of weathering?
24.   What five things can cause mechanical weathering?
25.   What can affect the rate of weathering?
26.   What affect does chemical weathering have on the minerals that make up a rock?
27.   How are mechanical weathering and chemical weathering different?
28.   List at least 3 causes of chemical weathering.
29.   What makes up soil?
30.   How is soil different from rocks?
31.   Why is soil important?
32.   How is soil formed?
33.   What level of soil has the most organic matter?
34.   What does organic mean?

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