Thursday, March 31, 2011

Life Science Joints Worksheet



There are 2 main types of joints in the body.
Complete the table below.

Example of Joint in Body

Physical Science Electromagnetic Worksheet

Physical Science Electromagnetic Chart

High Frequency
Type of Wave
Description of Wave
Possible Uses of Wave

Low Frequency

Physical Science Chapter 15 Section 1

1. What do electromagnetic waves consist of?
2. Describe one behavior that shows that light is a set of particles.
3. Describe one behavior that shows that light is a wave.
4. How are light and sound alike? How are they different?

Physical Science Chapter 14 Section 2 Questions

1. What makes some sounds louder than others?
2. Explain the relationship between frequency and pitch.
3. How can you change the pitch produced by a vibrating string?
4. Explain how resonance can cause a crystal glass to shatter.
5. What is the Doppler Effect?
6. If you are riding in a fire truck with the siren blaring, you do not hear the Doppler effect. Explain.

Life Science Unit 8 Study Guide

Unit 8 Study Guide
Name:_________________________________                                                     Date:_______________
1.       Review your Diagrams (Digestive System, Heart, Respiratory)
2.       List the five functions of the skeletal system.
8.       What is connected in some way to all of the bones of the body?
9.       What are the 3 different types of muscle tissue?
14.   Give an example of each type of muscle tissue.
18.   What are the 3 functions of the digestive system?
23.   What are the functions of the esophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas, small intestine, large intestine?
31.   What digestion is when food is crushed or smashed?
32.   What digestion is when chemical reactions help to process food?
33.   What does the heart do?
34.   List the chambers of the heart.
39.   Blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart.
40.   Tiny vessels that exchange substances between blood and bloody cells.
41.   Vessels that carry blood back to the heart.
42.   What are the functions of the respiratory system?
43.   What do the following do, think about where they are: Pharynx, Trachea, Bronchi, Lungs.
48.   What does the excretory system do?
49.   What is used to eliminate waste materials?
50.   This system receives information about what is happening inside and outside the body, then directs the body what to do with the information.
51.   The 2 divisions of the Nervous System.
54.   What are the 2 main parts of the central nervous system?
57.   Where is the peripheral nervous system located in the body?
58.   What regulates, coordinates and controls many body functions?
59.   What phenomena during the early teenage years is associated with the endocrine system?

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Physical Science Study Guide 3/30

Unit 7 Study Guide
Answer or Separate Sheet of Paper
1.       All electromagnetic waves travel at the same________ but they have different ____________ and different frequencies.
2.       The name for the range of electromagnetic waves when they are placed in order of increasing frequency.
3.       What are Gamma Rays?  Do they have the longest or shortest wavelength?  Do they have the highest or lowest frequency?
4.       What are X-rays?
5.       What are Ultraviolet Rays?  What can they cause?
6.       What is the range of visible light? (Colors) Why are they different?
7.       What can infrared be used for? (2 examples)
8.       What can microwaves be used for?
9.       What are radio waves?  Do they have the longest or shortest wavelength?  Do they have the highest or lowest frequency?
10.   True or False: Light can travel through empty space.
11.   True or False: Sound can travel through empty space.
12.   What color absorbs most light?  How does that affect temperature?
13.   What is the bouncing back of a wave when it hits a surface that it can not pass through.
14.    What is it called when light rays enter a new medium at an angle, the change in speed causes them to bend or change direction.
15.   Light moves fastest through air, water, or glass?
16.   What is the number of times a wave passes a set point.
17.   On the electromagnetic spectrum the greater the wavelength the lower the ________.
18.   How is pitch related to frequency?
19.   What causes a rainbow?
20.    Sound begins with a _________________ or a disturbance.
21.   True or false: Sound can travel through solids and liquids.
22.   The tighter and shorter the string,  ________________ the pitch.
23.   When placed in water, a pencil will appear
24.   What is a convex lens?  Concave?

Physical Science Crossword

Friday, March 4, 2011

Physical Science Study Sheet

Unit 6

Name:___________________________________________                                                              Date:_________

1.       The glass walls of a thermos bottle are covered with a shiny metallic coating. What type of transfer of thermal energy does the coating reduce?
a.       Radiation            b. Conduction                   c. Convection                    d. Induction
2.       Albert stirs a mug of hot chocolate with a metal spoon. What type of transfer is responsible for the spoon getting hot?
a.       Conduction        b. Convection                    c. Thermoelectric            d. Radiation
3.       Energy from the sun reaches earth mainly by the process of
a.       Conduction        b. Convection                    c. Reflection                      d. Radiation
4.       What is one difference between conduction and convection? _________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________
5.       Heat ALWAYS travels from ___________________ to _________________.
6.       Heat is also known as __________________ energy.
7.       Can heat travel from a snowflake to your tongue? ______________
8.       Can heat travel from your hand to an ice-cube? __________________
9.       What is an example of a time when heat goes from a hot object to a less hot object? ______________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________
10.   The transfer of heat by the movement of air currents in Earth’s atmosphere is an example of:
a.       Conduction                        b. Convection                    c. Radiation                        d. Fusion
11.   The faster the particles of an object are moving, the _________________ the temperature of the object.
12.   The temperature of an object increases/decreases when its particles slow down.
13.   If two objects come in contact with each other and one is warmer than the other, what happens?
a.       Both objects get colder
b.      Both objects get warmer
c.       Energy is transferred from the colder object to the warmer object
d.      Energy is transferred from the warmer object to the colder object
14.   If two objects have the same temperature but the larger one has more moving particles than the smaller one, what do we know about the thermal energy of the two objects?
a.       The larger object has more thermal energy                         c. They have the same thermal energy
b.      The smaller object has more thermal energy                     d. None of the above

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Physical Science Makeup Work

Anything with a Chapter and Section will come out of the Red Text.
Worksheets are in this BLOG with the name Physical Science and the name of the assignment.

Energy Transformation 2/28: List 5 household items and how energy is transferred.  (Refer to Energy Transformation Worksheet)

Any Quizzes need to be made up in class.

-Mr. Slavich

Physical Science Energy Transformation Worksheet

Name:__________________                          Date:_________________

Energy Transformation Worksheet
Identify the different types of energy transformation in each of the scenarios

  1. Wind blowing a windmill.

  1. A Flashlight being turned on.

  1. A microwave being used

  1. A lit firecracker

  1. A bicycle being ridden

  1. A battery by itself

Give an example where the following energy changes would take place:

  1. Electrical to Thermal-
  2. Chemical to Thermal-
  3. Electrical to Mechanical-
  4. Electromagnetic to Thermal-

Physical Science Bounce Lab

Pre-lab questions                          Name ______________________

Question to be investigated – How high does a ball bounce?

When a ball is dropped from a higher location, do you think the ball will bounce higher or lower?   ___________________   What have you seen or experienced that makes you think that? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

In this experiment a tennis ball will be dropped from different heights and you will record how high the ball bounces. 

The independent variable is what you, the experimenter, will vary in the different groups or trials.  What is the independent variable in this experiment? ____________________________________________

The dependent variable is what you will measure in the results.  It is called “dependent” because it will DEPEND on the independent variable of the experimental set-up. Of course, you expect it to vary based on your differences between groups.  What is the dependent variable in this experiment? _____________________________________
The hypothesis is your STATEMENT of what you predict will happen.  How do you think height will affect the bounce of the ball?   Write a statement of what is your predicted answer to the question __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Check your statement to see if it includes your independent and dependent variables.  Your independent variable is the height from which the ball was dropped.  Your dependent variable is the height of the bounce.

Lab instructions:

Hold a meter stick vertically, with the zero end on the ground.  Drop a tennis ball from the 50-centimenter, 75-centimeter, and 100-centimeter marks and record the heights that the ball bounces for each.  Repeat for accuracy. 

Data Chart

Height from which ball is dropped
Height that ball bounces
Trial 1
Height that ball bounces
Trial 2
50 centimeters

75 centimeters

100 centimeters

Post Lab Conclusions:

Which ball bounced the highest? _____________________
Which ball bounced the lowest? ______________________

What conclusion can you reach about how high a ball will bounce when dropped from different heights? ______________________________________________

Which ball had the greatest energy? ____________________
Where did the ball’s energy come from? _____________

Physical Science Study Guide

Unit 6 Study Guide
Begin with reviewing corrected quizzes.
1.       Stored energy which means it has the ability to do work.___________________
2.       Energy doing work. ___________________
3.       Is potential energy affected by position?  ________  If yes, how? ____________________
4.       A stretched out rubber band is ____________________.  A flying rubber band is _________________
5.       Energy associated with motion or position._________________ energy
6.       Total energy of particles in a substance or material. __________________ energy
7.       Energy associated with heat.___________________ energy
8.       How does temperature affect thermal energy? (increase or decrease)
9.       Potential energy stored in chemical bonds. _____________________ energy
10.   Moving electrical charges produce electricity. _______________ energy
11.   If you plug in something it uses __________________ energy.
12.   Energy that travels in waves ___________________ energy.
13.   Energy stored in the nucleus of an atom and is released in nuclear reaction. ________________ energy.
14.   A bicycle uses _______________ energy to work.
15.   Food contains this type of energy. ___________________ energy
16.   Batteries contain this type of energy. ________________ energy
17.   Light is an example of __________________ energy.
18.   The highest part of a roller coaster has the most _______________ energy.  The valley after the highest part of a roller coaster has the most ______________ energy.
19.   How does a battery operated flashlight transfer energy? (List steps)
20.   How does a TV transfer energy? (List steps)
21.   Transfer of thermal energy through direct contact. _____________________________
22.   Transfer of thermal energy by the movement of a liquid or gas. _________________________
23.   Transfer of thermal energy through electromagnetic waves. _________________________
24.   Be able to label the parts of a wave.
25.   The number of complete waves that passes a given point in a certain amount of time.