Thursday, December 8, 2011

Life Science Chapter 1 Lesson 2 Content Practice A

binomial nomenclature
dichotomous key
scientific name

1.  Based on similar structures, Linnaeus classified all organisms into two

2.  As more discoveries were made, Whittaker proposed classifying organisms into five

3.  The current system of classifying organisms uses molecular analysis and is called

4.  The current system classifies organisms into three                                                and six

5.  Scientists still use Linnaeus’s naming system called                                              to give
each species a name.

6.  Ursus arctos is the                                                 for a brown bear.

7.  Ursus is the brown bear’s                                             .

8.  The word arctos is the brown bear’s                                       name.

9.  A                                                is a series of questions that helps you identify an
unknown organism.

10.  A branched diagram called a                                             can help you understand the
relationships among organisms.

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