Monday, December 12, 2011

Life Science Semester Exam Study Guide

Life Science Semester Exam Study Guide
Please Answer Questions on a Separate Sheet of Paper
1.       A permanent change in the sequence of DNA, or the nucleotides, in a gene or a chromosome is called a ________________.  (page 175)
2.       What elements are found most commonly in living things? (page 9)
3.       Blood type AB is an example of ________________. (page 165)
4.       Budding is an example of __________________ reproduction, example if you cut off part of plant and the separate part can grow on its own. (page 131)
5.       What is a phenotype? (page 160)
6.       During meiosis chromosomes pairs contain __________ the number chromosomes of the parent. (page 119)
7.       What organelle gives a plant cell its shape and structure? (page 52)
8.       You get ____________________ from each your parents. (page 118)
9.       Allowing form genetic variation is an advantage of __________________ reproduction. (page 124)
10.   Chromosomes have (many or few) genes. (118)
11.   Why are sex linked traits more common in males than females? (page 165)
12.   What makes a question testable? (page NOS 7)
13.   Explain osmosis: Water moves from an area of _____________ concentration to ______________ concentration.   The result can cause cells to swell. (page 62)
14.   Meiosis deals only with the production of gametes or _________  ____________. (page 62)
15.   Mitosis deals with _____________ reproduction such as
Reproduction, _______________, _______________, _________________ (page 93)
16.   Which type of cell has a large central vacuole? (page 52)
17.   Which type of a cell has a flagellum? (page 54)
18.   Which type of cell is irregular in shape (NO CELL WALL) and has a nucleus? (page 53)
19.   Which types of cells are prokaryotic? (page 54)
20.   Which types of cells are eukaryotic? (page 54)
21.   What is the function of the nucleus? (page 55)
22.   The __________  ______________ controls what goes into and out of a cell.(page 52)
23.   Which organelle produces proteins _______________? (page 56)
24.   Aerobic respiration requires ____________ anaerobic does not. (page 70)
25.   What function within a cell requires oxygen to take place? _______________ (page 70)
26.   Plant cells have _______________, ______________, and large _______________, which animal cells do not. (page 52)
27.   What is the word equation for photosynthesis? (page 335)
28.   What is the word equation for respiration? (page 335)
29.   Heterozygous has ______________ letters such as (Tt). (page 161)
30.   The process of taking in oxygen and breathing out is _______________ (page 70)
31.   What is a dichotomous key used for? (page 22)
32.   What are the levels of classification from broadest to most specific. (page 21)
33.   What is the function of the vein in a leaf? (page 317)
34.   What allows gases go into and out of a leaf? (page 317)
35.   Ferns produce _____________ to reproduce asexually. (page 353)
36.   A butterfly goes through _______________ metamorphosis.
A grasshopper goes through _______________ metamorphosis. (NOTES)
37.   How are scientific names determined? (from two levels of classification) (page 22)

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