Monday, December 12, 2011

Earth Science Semester Exam Study Guide

Semester Exam Study Guide Earth Science
1.       What are causes of chemical weathering?
2.       What is the formula for density?
3.       Rust is evidence of _______________________ weathering.
4.        Using the periodic table Carbon has : How many Electrons? Protons? Neutrons?
5.       What type of rock are fossils most likely to be found in?
6.       How is metamorphic rock formed?
7.       How is sedimentary rock formed?
8.       How is igneous rock formed?
9.       What are the way things are physically weathered?
10.   Radioactive dating is a type of  ___________________ dating.
11.   A scale of how much a mineral resists scratching other minerals.
12.   Does the harder mineral scratch the other mineral?
13.   What is the most likely cause of erosion? ( page 179)
14.   The powered residue left when a mineral is dragged across a porcelain tile.
15.   The way a mineral reflects or absorbs light.
16.   The 3 types of luster include ____________________ and  _________________.
17.   When an ion loses an electron it has a ___________________ charge.
18.   Rocks are made of _____________________ and _______________________.
19.   The situation that causes the greatest amount of weathering ___________ _____________
20.   Soil is made of ______________, _______________, ________________, _______________,  and ___________________.
21.   Minerals form in a ________________ pattern.
22.   Arrange the following (Eon, Period, Era, Epoch) from longest to shortest.
23.   Arrange the layers of the earth from center out.  (page 51)
24.   Where are Earthquakes most likely? (page 294)
25.   The amount of ground motion at a given distance from an earthquake used to measure the magnitude is called the  ______________  __________. (page 300)
26.   When two blocks of rock slide horizontally past each other in opposite directions it creates a strike-slip, which is a type of _________________. (page 295)
27.   An area of earthquake and volcanic activity that surrounds the Pacific Ocean is called the ________________ of ____________.  They are located along divergent ______________  ____________. (page 309)
28.   How are mountains created?(page262)
29.   All of the continents were once part of a supercontinent called ______________. (page217)
30.   The theory of ____________________  _______________ is when plates move ever so slowly (page 233)
31.   Fossils of the same animals found on different continents illustrate evidence of ____________. (page219)
32.   Two plates moving towards each other form a ___________________  _______________. (page 235)
33.   The process by which hot material from deep within the Earth rises while cooler materials near the surface sinks is called ___________________. (page 238)
34.   List two affects volcanic ash can have on an area.  (page 313)
35.   Describe the Layers of the Earth. (page 52)
36.   How are volcanoes and earthquakes caused? (page 233)
37.   What does the law of superposition state? (page 338)
38.   Refer to page 339 illustrations of dikes, inclusion, and sedimentary layers. (Which were formed first)
39.   Which layer of the earth is most likely affected by erosion? (page 179)

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