Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Life Science Additional Semester Exam Study Guide Material

Additional Study Guide Material for Life Science
1.       The first step of the scientific process begins with a question.  Following that an experimenter should research others work on the topic to help get ideas of how to continue. 
2.       The independent variable is the one that the experimenter is changing and the dependent is the one being changed as a result of the experiment.  (Ex: Your teacher wants to know which class does the best on a test, so he gives three classes the test and looks at the results.  The class would be the independent variable and the grades would be the dependent variable.)
3.       The cell wall not only provides shape and structure for a plant cell, it also keeps those things constant.
4.       Meiosis ONLY produces gametes for sexual reproduction.
5.       Mitosis reproduces cells for GROWTH, REPAIR, and REPLACEMENT.
6.       When water moves out of a cell its called OSMOSIS.  SALT can pull water out of a cell.  Remember just because it says water is involved, doesn’t mean that it’s what is moving.
7.       Respiration is responsible for the production of energy and requires oxygen to take place.
8.       When trying to calculate the volume of an irregular object you can use a graduated cylinder.  Just measure what the water level is before placing the object in the cylinder and after the object is in the cylinder.  The difference is the volume.  BEFORE – AFTER = VOLUME
9.       Remember the process of osmosis deals with water moving into or out of a vacuole and is how vegetables get full (big) or empty (small).

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